Categories: Spanish as a language

40 Most Commonly Used Adverbs in Spanish

Adverbs in Spanish are invariable words, that is, they don’t change their gender and number; they modify verbs, adjectives and other adverbs. While there are different types of adverbs in Spanish, today we are going to discover some common adverbial phrases in Spanish.

It should be noted that when an adverb is composed by several words, it is called adverbial locution, and they are included in our list.

In terms of their function, adverbs provide circumstantial information, whether it’s their mood, time, place, etcetera. If you’ve ever wondered what the most commonly used adverbs in Spanish are, don’t miss out this article by iScribo. We help you to master grammar while learning the culture of the Spanish-speaking countries.

Most Common Informal Adverbs

Learn today the most frequently adverbs used in Spanish. To do so, we are going to classify them depending on their register. Do you know these informal adverbs? They are used in common and daily context, which means that they are colloquial.

1. Superiormente (superiorly): Tiene tallos erectos, algo ramificados superiormente. (Stems erect, somewhat branched at the top.)

2. A tope (all out): Vamos a ir a tope desde el principio. (We are going all out since the beginning.)

3. A lo loco (without thinking): Estás haciendo los deberes a lo loco. (You are doing your homework without thinking.)

4. Chido (awesome): ¡Qué chido! El plan es muy divertido. (Awesome! This plan is so funny.)

5. Allí (there): Has llegado allí muy rápido, ¿no había tráfico? (You got there so fast, wasn’t there traffic?)

6. Rápido (fast): Pablo acabará rápido y se despedirá de todos. (Pablo will finish quickly and say goodbye to everyone.)

7. Guay (cool): Qué guay está tu camiseta nueva, me encanta el color. (How cool is your new shirt, I love its colour.)

8. Pronto (early): Los niños llegaron pronto de las actividades. (The kids arrived early from their activities.)

9. Bien (good): Ha estado muy bien que hayas defendido a tu amiga. (It was very good of you to stand up for your friend.)

10. Mal (bad): La tarde ha empezado mal, a ver cómo termina. (The evening has started badly, let’s see how it ends.)

11. Muy (very): La cena estaba muy buena, tenemos que volver. (Dinner was very good, we have to come back.)

12. También (also): También ha venido Paco, que es de agradecer. (Paco has also come, which is good.)

13. Poco (a little): He venido un poco antes por si te podía ayudar. (I came a little earlier in case I could help you.)

14. Mucho (a lot): Hemos comprado mucho, va a sobrar comida. (We have bought a lot of stuff, there will be food left over.)

15. Siempre (always): Siempre llegas tarde, no tienes remedio. (You are always late, what are we going to do with you?)

16. Nunca (never): Nunca te apetece salir y yo me aburro. (You never want to go out and I get bored.)

17. Ahora (now): Ahora me tienen que llamar, no puedo salir. (I’m waiting for a call now, I cannot go out.)

18. Después (after): Iremos al cine después de cenar. (We Will go to the cinema after dinner.)

19. Casi (almost): Casi me caigo de la moto, debo tener cuidado. (I almost fell off the bike, I have to be careful.)

20. Aquí (here): Aquí hace mucho frío, me voy a cambiar de sitio. (It is very cold here, I’m going to swap places.)

Most Common Formal Adverbs

Remember to spot the –mente termination in a word to identify adverbs faster.

You can find here a list f the most frequently used adverbs in formal context so you can improve your Spanish communication with a more elevated grammar:

21. Asimismo (additionally): Asimismo, el cambio climático producirá más problemas. (Additionally, global warming will bring more problems.)

22. Por ende (consequently): Por ende, no iremos a cenar esta noche a tu casa. (Consequently, we will not go to your place for dinner.)

23. Ergo: Ergo, el examen sorpresa no fue una casualidad. (Ergo, the surprise exam was not a coincidence.)

24. Indudablemente (undoubtedly): Indudablemente, suspenderá el examen. (Undoubtedly, they will fail the exam.)

25. Cierto (true): Es cierto que haya más paro. (It is true that there is more unemployment.)

26. Acaso (perhaps): La literatura es acaso lo mejor para curar el alma. (Literature is perhaps the best way to heal the soul.)

27. Ni siquiera (not even): Ni siquiera se ha despedido al irse. (He did not even say goodbye when he left.)

28. Acuciantemente (urgently): Necesito que vengas acuciantemente. (I need you to come urgently.)

29. Cuán (how much):  Se indica cuán de acuerdo se está con el resultado. (Indicate how much you agree with the result.)

30. Entretanto/Entre tanto (meanwhile): Entretanto, ve haciendo la lista. (Meanwhile, start making the list.)

31. Alrededor (around): Alrededor del estanque, crece el césped impecable. (Around the pond, impeccable lawns grow.)

32. Adonde (where): Estas personas no tienen otro lugar adonde ir. (These people do not have a place -where- to go.)

33. Amigable (friendly): Los semáforos amigables con todos son inclusivos. (Everyone-friendly traffic lights are inclusive.)

34.  Cuanto más (the more): Cuanto más llores, menos vas a conseguir. (The more you cry, the less you will get.)

35. Inclusive: Las páginas 20 a 25, ambas inclusive. (Pages 20 to 25 inclusive.)

36. Sin duda (certainly): Sin duda alguna, te esperaremos. (We will certainly be waiting for you.)

37. Incluso (even): Todos me han dado la enhorabuena, incluso tu padre. (Everyone is congratulating me, even your father.)

38. Adelante (forward): El enemigo nos cierra el paso; no podemos ir adelante. (The enemy is blocking our way; we cannot go forward.)

39. Profusamente (profusely): El sacro recinto fue profusamente engalanado con flores y luces.(The sacred enclosure was profusely decorated with flowers and lights.)

40. Antaño (in the past): Antaño, todo esto era campo. (In the past, all this was countryside.)

iScribo & Spanish Grammar

Spanish grammar can be complicated if you have it wrong from the beginning. Having a proper basic grammar will help you to develop the main grounds of the language. But not only grammar, writing correctly speaks about us and our level of Spanish. iScribo spelling and grammar checker helps you to write without mistakes and with impeccable writing, have you tried it yet? If not, you can do it here.

Maria del Mar Pérez

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