Learn the origin of the Spanish calendar, including the names of the days, months, and seasons of the year, with…
With iScribo, learn about the influence of Quechua and Mayan in Spanish.
The “h” is the only grapheme in Spanish that is not pronounced by itself, which is why it is called…
Learn some of the most beautiful words and expressions in Spanish with iScribo and discover part of the Spanish-speaking cultures…
Learn with iScribo how to use the pretérito perfecto simple and the pretérito compuesto perfecto, Spanish verb tenses that are…
The ñ is the distinctive letter of Spanish. Today, iScribo invites you to learn about the origin of the letter…
Tongue twisters are phrases structured based on words with repetitive syllables that are difficult to pronounce. Speaking a language through…
Sociolinguistics is the branch of linguistics that observes the relationships between language and society. Today, iScribo invites you to pay…
Spanish is one of the most spoken languages in the world, and although all Spanish speakers can understand each other,…