Spanish Writing Guidelines for Beginners

iScribo shows you everything you need to know about Spanish grammar. Keep reading our article to learn some basic tips for writing properly in Spanish.

Do you want to learn how to write Spanish properly? 

Stuck with the blank screen syndrome?

Don’t worry, this small guide will tell you all you need to know about writing Spanish that gets compliments.

To write better Spanish hassle-free, you’ll need iScribo, an artificial intelligence (AI) language helper. 

Whether you need assistance with vocabulary, grammar, tone, or fluency, this tool is there to help.

The fundamentals to write Spanish properly

It doesn’t matter if you are starting from a beginner level of Spanish, an intermediate level, or an expert level and whether you are learning Spanish as a kid or an adult.

You must understand certain fundamentals to write Spanish properly.


You can’t write if you don’t know the language’s orthography. Fortunately, Spanish has relatively consistent spelling conventions. 

Spelling out a Spanish word by sounding it out is relatively straightforward after you’ve learned the sounds for each letter. 

That being said, if you’re not sure how to spell a word, you may always ask: ¿Cómo se escribe? (How is it written?) or ¿Cómo se deletrea? (How is it spelt?).

You should be aware of the following common errors:

Is it Y or LL?

The letter “y” and the double-l (“ll”) are frequently pronounced the same way. However, it is a common mistake to confuse them in their spelling. We recommend that you memorise the spelling of these words to make them easier to use.

Is it C, Z, or S?

The letter S sounds like it does in English in European Spanish, but the letter C sounds like the “th” sound in English.” The issue is that the Z in Spain creates the same “th” sound as the Z in English. So, be cautious.


To write properly, you must understand both your grammar and Spanish grammar. You’re halfway there if you know what a subject, verb, and complement are.


The capitalisation rules differ from one language to the next. You don’t capitalise as much in Spanish as you do in English. 

Languages, for example, are not capitalised (e.g., español, inglés, italiano, francés, etc.). 

Proper nouns, country names, and so on must still be capitalised (for example, Francisco, Ana, España, Estados Unidos, Inglaterra, and so on).


There are no accents in English. As a result, native English speakers may find it difficult to adjust to Spanish accents. (e.g., tendrá, comerá, iré, etc.).

In Spanish, we use the accent, an oblique dash ‘, which appears on numerous words and is written (or not) following various syllabic norms.

To prevent blunders, you’ll need to master these guidelines.


Punctuation is an underappreciated aspect of the written language. 

Every language has its own set of norms and quirks. 

As a result, if you wish to write like a native, you need to be aware of this. 

Some tips to improving your Spanish writing skills

Strong writing abilities are required not just to ensure excellent written communication, but also to strengthen your spoken language. 

Although it is difficult to predict how long it will take to learn Spanish and how difficult it will be to learn this language.

By following these tips, you will undoubtedly enhance your Spanish abilities, particularly your written ones.

1. Begin by using brief sentences

Language acquisition, like everything else, is a protracted process that involves perseverance and self-acceptance. 

Trying to construct elaborate, extensive words at first will just confuse and demotivate you. 

Begin with short, basic phrases, then as you gain confidence, strive to make them longer and more complicated.

2. Look it up online

If you have any doubts, don’t be embarrassed: even native speakers have them! 

Checking the proper structure will help you memorize it so that the next time you will remember and apply it correctly right away! 

In addition to utilizing the Internet to do research, you should be aware that there are several effective online resources for learning and improving your Spanish.

3. Read it in Spanish

Reading is an excellent approach to development. You will encounter new grammatical structures and idioms, which you will be able to write down, examine, and then attempt to employ in your writing.

4. Double-check

It is critical to double-check grammar, punctuation, spelling, connectors, nouns, and verbs…

You must double-check everything, not only at the start (and not just while writing in Spanish!).

All of the tips given above may feel daunting, that’s when our tool iScribo comes in handy. So, take action NOW and start writing Spanish with confidence

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