Writing in Spanish

Guide To The 39 Most Common Spanish Verbs

Verbs are words that express the action of the subject or the state the subject is in. This is why verbs in Spanish always match in gender and number with the subject.

El niño corrió durante tres horas. (The boy ran for three hours.)

As we can see in this example, the verb is in the past simple tense. Learning the verb tenses can take a while, but don’t be discouraged, as with everything in life, Spanish grammar takes practice.

It is important to know which are the most common Spanish verbs so that we can express ourselves as a true native speaker. During these months, we have been introducing you to the most common words of different grammatical elements.

Today iScribo brings you a list of common Spanish verbs for you to practise. Read on to discover it.

Most Common Spanish Ar Verbs

The verbs ending in ar are the verbs of the first conjugation. Here you can find the most used Spanish verbs in this category:

1. Estar (to be): Estoy en la puerta de tu casa, ¿me abres? (I’m at your door, will you open it for me?)

2. Comprar (to buy): Hace falta comprar yogures de limón. (We need to buy lemon yogurt.)

3. Buscar (to look): Búscalo en Internet y sal de dudas. (Look it up on the Internet and find out for sure.)

4. Andar (to walk): Le gusta andar por las tardes. (He likes walking in the evenings.)

5. Cerrar (to close): Se me olvidó cerrar la puerta al salir. (I forgot to close the door when I left.)

6. Encontrar (to find): Te habríamos encontrado antes si me hubieras mandado tu ubicación. (We would have found you sooner if you had sent me your location.)

7. Dar (to give): Me han dado un regalo de bienvenida. (They gave me a welcome present.)

8. Empezar (to start): El curso empieza la semana que viene. (The course starts next week.)

9. Cocinar (to cook): Los abuelos cocinarán una paella. (The grandparents will cook a paella.)

10. Hablar (to talk): El bebé comenzó a hablar a los siete meses. (The baby started talking at seven months.)

11. Quedar (to meet): Quedaron a las ocho en punto. (They met at eight o’clock.)

12. Saltar (to jump): Saltaría la valla un par de veces. (I’d jump the fence a couple of times.)

13. Estudiar (to study): Estudió para el examen de español durante toda la noche. (They studied for the Spanish test all night long.)

Common Spanish Verbs Ending in Er

The second conjugation comprises verbs ending in er:

14. Aprender (to learn): Ya habíamos aprendido toda la lección cuando nos preguntó. (We had already learned our lesson when he asked us.)

15. Ser (to be): Soy tan independiente como práctica. (I am as independent as I am practical.)

16. Beber (to drink): Es importante beber agua cuando se hace ejercicio. (It is important to drink water when exercising.)

17. Comer (to eat): Iremos a comer al restaurante de la esquina. (We will go to eat at the restaurant on the corner.)

18. Conocer (to meet): Conocimos a tu primo en tu cumpleaños. (We meet your cousin at your birthday party.)

19. Entender (to understand): No entendí la moraleja del libro. (I did not understand the message of the book.)

20. Creer (to believe): No me creo ni una palabra de lo que me has contado. (I don’t believe a word you say.)

21. Haber (there is/there are): No hay nadie en la sala, tenemos que esperar. (There is nobody in the room, we have to wait.)

22. Hacer (to make): No me ha hecho gracia que te rías de mí. (I made an omelette for lunch.)

23. Leer (to read): Me tengo que leer dos libros para el grupo de lectura. (I have to read two books for the reading group.)

24. Saber (to know): No sé si sabes que el lunes es fiesta. (I wonder if you know that Monday is a holiday.)

25. Querer (to love): Te quiso tanto como a tu hermano. (He loved you as much as he loved your brother.)

26. Tener (to have): Tengo cuatro relojes y no sé cuál ponerme. (I have four watches and I don’t know which one to wear.)

Most Common Verbs Ending in Ir

The third conjugation comprises verbs ending in ir:

27. Abrir (to open): Tendríamos que haber abierto la ventana antes de salir. (We should have opened the window before leaving.)

28. Salir (to leave)Saldré del trabajo sobre las cinco. (I will leave work around five o’clock.)

29. Subir (come up): Subiríamos si nos invitaras. (We’d come up if you invited us.)

30. Decir (to tell): Te dije la verdad pero no me creíste. (I told you the truth but you didn’t believe me.)

31. Escribir (to write): La chica escribe en su diario todas las noches. (The girl writes in her diary every night.)

32. Ir (to go): Iremos al río cuando suba la temperatura. (We will go to the river when the temperature rises.)

33. Partir (to chop, to leave):Partiremos las manzanas. (We will chop the apples.)

            El avión partió al amanecer. (The plane will leave at sunrise.)

34. Pedir (to order): Se ha pedido pescado para cenar. (He ordered fish for dinner.)

35. Decidir (to decide): Decidió que se pasaría por la fiesta de Ana. (He decided that he would stop by Ana’s party.)

36. Preferir (to prefer): Prefiero que te marches tú primero. (I prefer that you leave first.)

37. Imprimir (to print): Deberías imprimir todos los documentos. (You should print all the documents.)

38. Sentir (to feel): Siento muchísimo lo que te ha pasado. (I am very sorry for what happened to you.)

39. Venir (to come): Vino del gimnasio y se acostó. (He came from the gym and went to bed.)

iScribo in Defense of Grammar

There are many verbs and their use will depend on the different Spanish-speaking countries. There are verbs that are used in Spain in everyday conversations that are offensive in other Latin American countries. This is why we encourage you to learn about different Spanish-speaking cultures so that you can draw your own conclusions. iScribo advocates the correct use of Spanish grammar. Our tool corrects your written Spanish in real time according to the rules of the RAE. The Academia can also help you learn the difference between regular and irregular verbs, you can check their list here.

Writing in Spanish

Guide About How To Use Prefixes in Spanish

Few people know how prefixes in the Spanish language work and how to use a prefix correctly. This is normal, since the norm sometimes changes and the influence of other languages leads us to misspell them.

What is a prefix in Spanish? How are prefixes written? What are the most common prefixes in Spanish? iScribo answers your questions according to the rules of the RAE.

What are Spanish Prefixes?

Prefixes are elements of Spanish grammar that depend on other elements, and therefore lack autonomy.

Prefixes are affixes, meaning that they are placed before the root or lexical base of the word they accompany. Their function is to alter the meaning of the original word, to give it some nuances or an additional meaning.

Some examples are pre, ex, multi and súper, to name a few:

multiespacio, exministro, supercerca, preaprobado

(multispace, ex-minister, superclose, preapproved)

How Should Prefixes Be Written?

Prefixes are attached to the word they accompany, so it is incorrect to write them separately or with a hyphen, except for the exceptions mentioned a few line below this examples:

antisistema, prenupcial, contraoferta (anti-system, prenuptial, counteroffer)

X anti-mafia, pre pagado, súper bonito (anti-mafia, pre-paid, super nice)

If the next word begins with a capital letter, whether it is an acronym or a number, the prefix IS hyphenated:

pro-Obama, super-8, mini-USB

X posGorvachov, sub21

Note that the prefix súper does not have an accent even if it is hyphenated with the following word or there is simply a space.

Another exception is to write the prefix separately when it affects several words that act as a unit or if it affects proper nouns consisting of more than one word:

pro Barack Obama, ex chica de los recados (former delivery girl)

X proderechos humanos, antiNaciones Unidas

In case of a combination of prefixes, they are written together or separately following the same rule as if there were only one prefix:

ex vice primera presidenta, supersuperlento (former first vice-president, super-super-slow)

When it comes to monosyllables, when the prefix is added to them, they are no longer monosyllables and are considered acute, so they must be stressed as such:

✓ biogás

If you find yourself in a situation where you have to use two or more prefixes for a single word, add a hyphen after the first suffix:

✓ pre- y poselectoral

iScribo Works In Real Time

Prefixes follow some basic rules and you will see, as you practise with our tool, that they are easy to apply. iScribo corrects incorrect prefixes and suggests writing improvements as you write, in real time. Have you tried it yet? Tell us about it in the comments.

Writing in Spanish

15 Spanish Sayings & Phrases About Studying

Popular sayings are rich as well as diverse, you only need to visit or meet people from Spanish-speaking countries to realise this. On this occasion, it is the turn to talk about phrases about studying or Spanish sayings about education so you can express yourself as a native speaker in the educational environment.

Spanish phrases about study amongst students are often used in a colloquial context but there will also be some that apply in formal settings. Today, iScribo presents you with a series of easy and useful Spanish phrases about school to expand your Spanish vocabulary.

Spanish Sayings About Learning

There are several sayings, expressions and proverbs that are mostly used in education. Here are some of them:

1. Hacer novillos: or in other variants such as hacer pellas, hacer campana, hacer monta or pegarse la huyona. It means to stop going somewhere you are obliged to go to do a more fun activity.

Hizo novillos pero sus padres se enteraron. (He skipped school but his parents found out about it.)

2. Tener manía: means to dislike or dislike someone or something.

El profesor le tiene manía y le ha suspendido la asignatura. (The teacher dislikes him and has failed his subject.)

3. Estar enchufado: means to have influence with someone in order to get a favour.

Le concedieron la beca porque está enchufada, no porque se lo mereciera. (She was awarded the scholarship because she is spoiled, not because she deserved it.)

4. Comerse los libros: studying hard and with high intensity.

Apenas sale, se come los libros para conseguir las mejores notas. (As soon as she gets out, she studies hard to get the best marks.)

5. Estudiar a marchas forzadas: used when you have little time to prepare for an assignment or an exam and all the studying is concentrated in a few days or hours.

Aunque estudiaron a marchas forzadas, les dio tiempo a prepararse todo el temario. (Although they studied hard, they had time to prepare the whole syllabus.)

6. Estudiar a destajo: study only for a short period of days.

Estudiaré a destajo durante el fin de semana. (I will study very hard over the weekend.)

7. Estudiar codo con codo: meet with classmates to study.

Los cuatro chicos estudiaron codo con codo hasta que llegó la noche. (The four boys studied side by side until the evening came.)

8. Echar la matrícula: or matricularse is preparing the necessary paperwork to register for a course and pay the corresponding fees.

La matrícula hay que echarla durante las dos primeras semanas de septiembre. (Enrolment must be done during the first two weeks of September.)

Study Sayings in Other Areas

There are many other sayings and phrases that can be used both in school and in everyday life. Some of them are:

9. Ser pan comido: when something is easy and costs little effort.

El examen fue pan comido. (The exam was a piece of cake.)

10. Hablar por los codos: to talk a lot.

Separaron a los estudiantes porque hablaban por los codos en clase. (The students were separated because they were talking through their elbows in class.)

11. Cada maestrillo tiene su librillo: This refers to the different way of acting and thinking that each person has.

El aprendizaje es un mundo, cada maestrillo tiene su librillo. (Learning is a world of its own, each teacher has his or her own way of teaching.)

12. A buen entendedor, pocas palabras bastan: An intelligent person quickly understands what is said without having to go into detail, a simple hint is enough. Sometimes it is enough to say the first part of the saying.

No pienso explicaros esta parte, a buen entendedor, pocas palabras bastan. (I’m not going to explain this part to you, a few words are enough.)

13. No haber vuelta de hoja: when a matter is not subject to discussion.

No hay más vuelta de hoja, has suspendido y punto. (There is no way back, you have failed and that’s it.)

14. Ser coser y cantar: used to indicate that something is easy.

Esta asignatura es coser y cantar. (This subject is a piece of cake.)

15. Ponerse las pilas: to tackle a task with dedication.

Venga, me tengo que poner las pilas o no aprobaré. (Come on, I have to get my act together or I won’t pass.)

iScribo & Language Evolution

Student phrases can change year after year and generation after generation. Trendy words are what set the tone for colloquial language. However, some of them are here to stay and are still trending today, do you know of any other saying or phrase that you would like to highlight? iScribo’s tool corrects what you write in Spanish in real time. It is a very useful resource, as our team continuously updates the changes in the informal Spanish language and the demands of the evolution of the language. Have you tried it yet? Tell us about it in the comments.

Culture around Spanish language

The Wine Industry in Spain: Tradition and Culture

The Spanish wine industry is undoubtedly important for Spanish culture. The wine market in Spain has a long-standing tradition based on respect for wine, tradition and vineyards.

It is worthwhile to make a vineyard tour and several visits to bodegas in Spain as there are numerous wineries and official Spanish wine appellations. Wine culture teaches us from the planting of the vines to the bottling of the wine, from the grape harvest to the ageing in barrels or containers.

There are different ways of classifying wines, the designations of origin (appellation) of the wines of Spain allows us to classify them according to the protection they have and the rules that regulate them in the Spanish country. On other occasions, we have talked about gastronomy but, what better than accompanying a Spanish dish with a good wine! Keep reading this iScribo post to discover the secrets of the best Spanish wine.

Spanish Red Wine

Among the Spanish red wines, it is more than an obligation to mention the most awarded designations of origin, which are D.O. Rioja and D.O. Ribera del Duero. Both produce very diverse wines with different grapes varieties. Be that as it may, the dedication to growing, harvesting and winemaking follow a tedious process by world-renowned oenologists.

Other famous red wines are D.O. Priorat, Bodegas Torres, Marqués de Cáceres, Somontano or Toro.

There are many more, both new and long-established, so the best thing to do is to make a good wine tour of Spain and discover your favourite.

Red wine is ideal to accompany a meat dish or to get you through a cold winter’s day. Many people mix it with a lemon or white fizzy drink to make a tinto de verano.

White Wine in Spain

Cava is a quality sparkling wine with its own protected designation of origin. Typical of the region of Catalonia, this type of wine is ideal for the most exquisite palates. From a Freixenet, famous at all Spanish Christmas dinner parties, to a Mastinell, the variety is endless. Cava can be mixed with white fizzy drinks to make cava sangria, another refreshing summer drink.

Of course, we also have the Albariño from the Galician Rías Baixas. This tasty wine is very smooth, so it can be enjoyed with good fish or seafood.

We should also mention the D.O. Rueda, which reminds us of a cheerful floral spring. Its freshness and floral character are more than recognised worldwide. You can combine this wine with almost anything and in any season of the year.

The D.O. Jumilla offers wines of any category but today we want to highlight its facility to produce white wine. Indulge yourself with this savoury and dedicated drink.

Rosé & Other Drinks in Spain

Although rosé wine is not a variety that is as popular as white and red wine in Spain, it has also grown a lot in recent years and has given us unforgettable experiences and it is now part of the Spanish culture.

We can highlight Las Campanas Rosé from the D.O. Navarra, which has won several national awards.

Many wineries that offer reds and whites as star products also produce prestigious rosés.

Among other varieties, we find the Tío Pepe wineries in the heart of Jerez de la Frontera, in the south of Spain, with the production of fino and amontillado wines and natural sweet wines, among others.

Vermouth is an aromatic wine in the category of fortified Spanish wine, famous along the Mediterranean coast. Drink it as an aperitif or use it in a cocktail.

iScribo & Spanish Culture

Table wines, wines with geographical indication or simply a wine that you really like, in Spain you can find any variety that will surely suit your needs. Although in this post we have focused on the designations of origin, there are plenty of wines and wineries all over Spain that are worth tasting and visiting. It only takes a quick look at a Spanish wine map and you will see that wine is produced in practically every corner of the country. Do you know wine vocabulary? Sometimes it can be complicated to write some of its words, as it is a precise technical sector. Use our tool to write correctly in Spanish and to receive suggestions for improvement in real time, have you tried it yet?

Spanish as a language

What Are the Different Forms of Adjectives in Spanish?

Adjectives are words that accompany or qualify a noun. These words give us more information about the nouns or distinguish them from each other. Adjectives agree in gender and number with the nouns they accompany.

Do you want to know the different forms of adjectives in Spanish? Discover today with iScribo the correct form of adjectives in Spanish.

The grado (form) of the adjective expresses the intensity with which the qualities of the nouns are explained.

What are Adjectives in Their ‘Positive’ Form?

Adjectives in their ‘positive’ form are adjectives in their neutral state, in other words, in their basic form.

Raúl está triste porque su equipo ha perdió. (Raul is sad because his team lost.)

La casa roja de la esquina es la que ha comprado Marta. (The red house on the corner is the one that Marta has bought.)

How to Form the Comparative in Spanish?

The comparative form is used to make comparisons between two or more nouns. It is formed with the adverbs más, menos, tan, igual (and similar), followed by the adjective and que or como:

más/menos/tan + adjective + que/como

There are three types of comparative adjectives:

Comparative of equality: Jesús es tan listo como Pepa. (Jesús is as smart as Pepa.)

Comparative of superiority: Josefa es más hábil que Mario. (Josefa is more skillful than Mario.)

Comparative of inferiority: La piscina de Sonia es menos grande que la de Juan. (Sonia’s pool is less big than Juan’s pool.)

How to Write Superlatives in Spanish?

The superlative form describes the highest level of a quality. There are two types depending on the level of comparison.

On the one hand, there is the relative superlative, which indicates that the adjective describes the highest quality that exists, compared to another element. It is formed with an article, the adverbs más or menos and the adjective itself:

article + más/menos + adjective

Pedro es el más alto de su clase. (Pedro is the tallest in his class.)

El coche es el menos rápido que existe en el mercado. (The car is the least fast on the market.)

On the other hand, we have the absolute superlative, which determines the highest degree of a quality without comparing it to any other element.

El perro es listísimo, sabe lo que le están hablando. (The dog is very clever, he knows what they are talking about.)

Este país es paupérrimo, ojalá alguien hiciera algo por ayudar. (This country is very poor, I wish someone would do something to help.)

iScribo & Grammar

Note that some adjectives are irregular, both in their comparative and superlative forms:

bueno/mejor/el mejor or óptimo

malo/peor/el peor or pésimo

grande/mayor/el mayor or máximo

pequeño/menor/el menor or mínimo iScribo’s spelling and grammar checker helps you to write correct Spanish. Use our tool and find out if you can write the form of irregular adjectives correctly. Do you know any other examples? Tell us about them in the comments.

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