Spanish as a language

A Guide To Master The Use Of Que In Spanish

Dequeismo is an improper use of the preposition de before the conjunction que in Spanish when the preposition is not required by any word in the sentence and needs an immediate grammar correction.

The opposite phenomenon, not using de after que when the rule requires it, is called queismo and it is one of the most frequent grammatical errors.

Situations in which Dequeismo Occurs

1. De + subordinate clause with attributive functions with the verb ser:

Incorrect: Lo que Juan quiere es de que vengas.

Correct: Lo que Juan quiere es que vengas.

(What Juan wants is for you to come.)

2. De + subject noun subordinate clause:

Incorrect: No entiendo de que no hayas terminado los deberes.

Correct: No entiendo que no hayas terminado los deberes.

(I don’t understand that you haven’t finished your homework.)

3. De + inappropriate preposition:

Incorrecto: Pensé de que vinieras.

Correcto: Pensé en que vinieras.

(I thought about you coming.)

4. De + verbs of speech:

Incorrect: Te comunico de que tienes cita mañana.

Correct: Te comunico que tienes cita mañana.

(I inform you that you have an appointment tomorrow.)

5. De + conjunctive locutions without a preposition:

Incorrect:  Una vez de que llegues, haremos la cena.

Correct: Una vez que llegues, haremos la cena.

(Once you arrive, we will have dinner.)

Examples of Dequeismo

Mind you! They are all INCORRECT:

1. Opinaba de que tenía razón. (He believed he was right.)

2. Creo de que es lo más justo para todos. (I think it’s the fairest thing for everyone.)

3. Pienso de que podrías acompañarle al cine. (I think you could go with him to the cinema.)

4. Le comunico de que debe acudir a la cita cinco minutos antes. (I’ll tell him that he has to be there five minutes early.)

5. Los bomberos impidieron de que el fuego destruyera la casa. (The firemen prevented the fire from destroying the house.)

6. Me imagino de que tengo más dinero en casa. (I think I have more money at home.)

7. Te aconsejo de que trabajes ahora todo lo que sea posible. (I advise you to work as much as possible now.)

8. Le pidió de que dejara de decir tonterías. (He asked her to stop talking nonsense.)

9. El objetivo fue de que viniera el máximo posible de gente. (The aim was to get as many people as possible to come.)

10. Confío de que ganará la competición. (I am confident that he will win the competition.)

Learn Spanish Grammar

It is not complicated at all, it is simply a matter of following the Spanish language course and practising some exercises about que in Spanish.

The dequeismo grammatical errors occur in many Spanish-speaking areas and are used by many native Spanish speakers. For example, in the south of Santiago de Chile, dequeismo is often used. In the eastern part of Spain, around Valencia, as well. We can find some studies of the phenomenon in the cultured areas of Havana, Cuba.

Finally, here are two tricks that will help you to identify the dequeismo without having to think too much about the grammar correction:

1. Turn the sentence into a question:

¿De qué piensas?  (What are you thinking about?)

Indeed, there is a dequeismo here.

2. Replace the noun subordinate clause with “eso” (that):

Pienso de eso. (I think of that.) Of course, there is a dequeismo here too!

Culture around Spanish language

8 Questions To Ask In An Interview In Spanish

Are you part of a recruitment process? On important occasions, when answers have employment consequences, it is natural to be lacking in confidence.

However, you will find that preparing for an interview will give you all the confidence you need to show the recruitment team all your skills.

Often it’s not about making it look like you need the job, but rather about giving the company a reason to show that they need you and not someone else.

Right now you need a pen, paper, and a few hours of your time to remember what you do best and worst in life.

Ice-breaker Questions

Recruiters do not want you to experience insecurities and nerves. They feel that the most important thing to start with is that you feel at ease and comfortable enough for them to get to know you as well as possible.

Here are some introductory questions that are used to break the ice while getting to know a little bit more about you, which will be used for profiling:

1. Háblanos un poco de ti.

(Tell us a little about yourself.)

Focus on your professional profile, they don’t want to know that you like to barbecue with your friends every weekend.

2. ¿Qué sabes de nuestra empresa?

(What do you know about our company?)

Please, the Internet is accessible to everyone, surf a little bit and prepare the most remarkable things about the business, such as the person who founded the organisation, countries where it is present, sectors in which it is active etc. This question may be accompanied by a ¿Por qué nosotros? (Why us?).

3. ¿Cuáles son tus metas?

(What are your goals?)

Show your ambitions! Now is the time to tell them that you want to take over the world. They may also ask you why you are interested in the job.

Uncomfortable Questions

Don’t worry, they’re just trying to find out how you handle stress and adverse situations at work – who knows, you might even have a team to manage! They also want to know how you get out of uncomfortable situations.

4. ¿Cómo trabajas bajo presión?

(How do you work under pressure?)

They want to know if you are a respectful and decisive person. Use your experience to answer this question.

5. ¿Por qué has cambiado tanto de trabajo?

(Why have you switched jobs so much?)

This question is intended to understand how you value the jobs you have been in before. Remember not to badmouth your previous employer or position. No one likes that. You can just tell them that you need a change in your life. Often it is a matter of explaining what you have learned from other experiences.

6. En tu currículum vemos que has estado un par de años sin trabajar, ¿a qué se debe?

(On your CV we see that you have been out of work for a couple of years, why is that?)

Everyone has their reasons but you can always argue that you have preferred to continue your education.

Questions about your Skills

This can be the hardest part because it is where you can set yourself apart from the competition. Now it’s about demonstrating your uniqueness as well as humility. Using empathy and determination usually works quite well.

7. ¿Cuáles son tus fortalezas?

(What are your strengths?)

Use real professional arguments and examples that show what you do best. Tell them three qualities related to the job so that they understand your competencies. These can include technical skills such as knowledge of specific software or personal skills such as team leadership.

Related: 9 Tips About How To Do Well In An Interview In Spanish

8. ¿Cuáles son tus debilidades?

(What are your weaknesses?)

Name any weaknesses that you are currently improving. For example, you are on a course to learn how to use new software to expand your knowledge.

Weaknesses can become your greatest potential.

Stand in front of the mirror and practise

Don’t be left with the feeling that you haven’t given them all you have. You can prepare for an interview in front of a mirror.

Ask someone to help you with the questions to ask in an interview, so you can practise face-to-face interaction. Remember that you can write down your answers on paper and use the iScribo tool to correct any mistakes.

Writing in Spanish

15 Tips To Help You Expressing Love In Spanish

Nowadays it is easy to find ideas and inspiration on the Internet, either on a website, blog, or social media to write about love in Spanish.

Thanks to technology, we have templates, millions of classic or modern poems to copy, or even some tricks from influential people that teach you how to write a letter.

Emoticons, a virtual letter, a WhatsApp message… anything goes to make a declaration. However, if we want to be original and romantic, why not resort to the traditional method of writing a love letter in our own handwriting?

Sit down, read, and get inspired to write an epic declaration of love.


The first thing we need to be clear about is the purpose of the love letter.

In this little piece of paper, we are going to express our feelings and emotions, as well as include our authenticity, vulnerability, and essence. It is not enough just to say I love you in Spanish.

Think that the aim of the letter is to move someone so that they become emotional. It will be a memory that they will keep in a drawer and in their heart for the rest of their life.

Is it a summer love? Our purpose today is not to write a goodbye letter to a lover, so if this is your case don’t worry, you can always reflect that the letter is a “see you soon” and not a goodbye letter. Thanks to technology, nowadays there is no such thing as a summer love that you will never see again.

Sentences you can Use

Reflect on your love story so that the inspiration flows all at once and you don’t have to stop and think.

Once memories come to mind, either of the person’s physicality or personality or of shared experiences, use these sentences as a structure to help you write your love letter. But don’t copy them word by word! Personalise them with your own memories.

1. Hay tantas cosas bonitas que me gustaría decirte que no sé por dónde empezar.

(There are so many beautiful things I would like to say to you that I don’t know where to start.)

2. Recuerdo la primera vez que te vi, estabas radiante con esa chaqueta que realzaba el color de tus ojos.

(I remember the first time I saw you; you were radiant in that jacket that brought out the colour of your eyes.)

3. ¿Te acuerdas de aquella vez que paseamos por la playa al atardecer?

(Do you remember the time we walked along the beach at sunset?)

4. Juntos hemos creado momentos irrepetibles, como aquella vez que no podíamos parar de reír.

(Together we have created unrepeatable moments, like that time when we couldn’t stop laughing.)

5. Me encanta cuando cantas, aunque no sepas muy bien cómo, pero llenas la habitación de alegría.

(I love it when you sing, even if you don’t really know how, but you fill the room with joy.)

6. Me enamoré perdidamente de ti en nuestro primer viaje juntos a París.

(I fell madly in love with you on our first trip to Argentina together.)

7. Lo que más me gusta de ti es tu sonrisa. No dejas de sonreír y eso me transmite paz y amor.

(What I love most about you is your smile. You never stop smiling and that gives me peace and love.)

8. Cada vez que escucho nuestra canción me inundan recuerdos felices en la mente.

(Every time I hear our song, happy memories flood my mind.)

9. En mi cabeza resuena tu nombre como una melodía dulce de inspiración de amor.

(Your name resounds in my head like a sweet melody of love and inspiration.)

10. Cuando pienso en los baches que hemos superados juntos, como aquella vez que […]. Lo superamos juntos, ¡formamos el mejor equipo!

(When I think of the bumps we’ve overcome together, like that time when […]. We got through it together, we make the best team!)

11. Siempre dices lo adecuado en el momento oportuno. No hay mayor apoyo que el que tú me das.

(You always say the right thing at the right time. There is no greater support in life than yours.)

Some Additional Resources

You probably already have a good love letter if you have completed all the above points, but there are some additional resources that never fail and look great.

You can include a love poem or just a few verses that remind you of your soul mate. We recommend the classics by Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer and Mario Benedetti, they never fail!

If you are overflowing with inspiration, I recommend you write an original poem, with metaphors and allegories. You’ll see that it will be beautiful, and your soul mate will surely like it even more for its sentimental value.

Who doesn’t like to be the inspiration for a love poem?

Add some Handmade Crafts

Since you are going to write the love letter by hand, add some personal and homemade touches that will be the cherry on the cake to your declaration of love.

12. Douse the paper with some of your perfume. A couple of swipes of the spray are enough but don’t overdo it. Keep in mind that this should be done before writing so that the ink doesn’t smear and ruin the letter you’ve already written.

13. You can add a bit of glitter in the margins or make shapes, like a heart.

14. Draw a hand-drawn picture as a background for the paper.

15. Don’t forget to sign it!

Show Love Wherever you Go

Once you have written the letter, use our tool to correct any mistakes it might have. You can also accompany the love letter with some flowers or a bright and cheerful flowerpot. No matter what the love letter looks like, I’m sure they will love it and keep it forever. Don’t forget that the important thing in life is to pass on the good and leave a mark of love and happiness wherever you go.

Spanish as a language

The Ultimate Guide About Ser & Estar

Today we bring you an article about one of the most basic parts of Spanish grammar – the verbs ‘ser’ and ‘estar’.

‘Ser’ and ‘Estar’ conjugations can be tricky. Do you often get confused with these two verbs? Don’t worry, today we help you to differentiate them by means of some easy-to-remember rules so that you don’t have any doubts when using them.

Quality or state?

Ser is used to express the permanent quality of something and estar is used to express some temporary state:

Eres inteligente. (You are smart.)

Estoy en el supermercado. (I’m in the supermarket.)

To talk about a person’s character in general, use ser. For a temporary state of mind use estar.

Marcos es alto. (Marcos is tall.)

Marcos está simpático hoy. (Marcos is nice today.)

To talk about the place you come from use ser and to talk about the place you visit use estar:

Son de Perú. (They are from Peru.)

Estáis en Perú. (You are in Peru.)

Main uses of the verb ser

1. To express the place where a person comes from, as well as the nationality, or the material of an object:

¿Eres de Madeira, Portugal? (Are you from Madeira, Portugal?)

La botella es de vidrio. (The bottle is made of glass.)

2. To identify or define a person or an object:

Aquel chico es mi vecino. (That boy is my neighbour.)

La casa de Alberto es verde por fuera. (Alberto’s house is green on the outside.)

3. To express permanent qualities of a person or thing:

En nuestro grupo somos budistas. (In our group we are Buddhists.)

¿Vosotros sois de Argentina? (Are you from Argentina?)

4. To express profession:

Aún soy estudiante. (I am still a student.)

Los ponentes son farmacéuticos. (The speakers are pharmacists.)

5. To express possession:

Ese ordenador es de Pedro. (That computer belongs to Pedro.)

El coche que viene por allí es de Marta. (The car coming that way belongs to Marta.)

Main uses of the verb estar

1. To express actions that are taking place at the moment:

Papá está haciendo la cena. (Dad is making dinner.)

Carolina y Juan están en el cine. (Carolina and Juan are at the cinema.)

2. To express a temporary state:

No te acerques mucho que estoy resfriada. (Don’t come too close, I have a cold.)

La sopa está muy fría. (The soup is very cold.)

3. To express emotions:

Estamos encantados con la casa nueva. (We are delighted with the new house.)

¿También estáis cansados? (Are you tired too?)

4. To say whether a person, plant or animal is alive or not:

La avista está viva. (The wasp is alive.)

Los animales están muertos por culpa del incendio. (The animals are dead because of the fire.)

5. To express a temporal location:

Martín está en el autobús. (Martin is on the bus.)

Estamos en la fiesta del verano. (We are at the summer party.)

Listen and practise

You will undoubtedly find that reading, speaking, writing, and listening are keys to understanding the difference between the verbs ‘ser’ and ‘estar’.

Remember that, if you have doubts when it comes to writing, iScribo helps you to make the right decision.

Culture around Spanish language

4 Amazing Ideas For Summer Holidays In Spain

Concerts, adventure, outdoor activities, gastronomy, amazing weather, good people…

What comes to mind when you think of holidays in Spain?

Today, we bring you a post, you should not ignore, about how to spend your holidays in Spain.

Spain is much more than holidaying in Barcelona or hours of sunbathing in Benalmadena or Tenerife. Of course, these are enjoyable destinations but there are many other destinations with local celebrations that will please everyone.

Plan your travel to Spain considering these original ideas.

1. Cabo de Gata-Níjar

Cabo de Gata-Níjar is located in the south of Spain; it covers several territories of the province of Almeria.

What makes this protected natural park special is its flora and fauna unique in Spain.

In Cabo de Gata-Níjar you will find some of the most special beaches in Spain, with soft sand for summer siestas. Its volcanic origin is more than perceptible in the numerous cliffs worthy of every photographer’s dreams.

It is a romantic paradise for honeymooners, as well as hikers, as it has easy and medium-level routes for you to enjoy the scenery.

Visit Las Salinas del Cabo de Gata, the only active salt flats in the whole of Eastern Andalusia. With a bit of luck, you’ll spot migratory birds that make this place their home for a few months of the year.

Like many privileged destinations in Spain, this natural paradise offers you the chance to relax while combining nature activities.

2. Mare de Déu de Gràcia in Mahon

The Balearic Islands are much more than partying in Ibiza. This small island has much more to offer, but today, we are going to talk about one of our favourite destinations – Menorca.

From the 6th to the 9th of September every year, experience the life of the authentic payés (Menorcan peasant). The island’s capital is filled with festivities in honour of its patron saint.

Witness the jaleo of horses in the old town while you enjoy the pomada, the typical drink made from gin and lemon. But be careful, it’s very smooth and deceptive! Lest you drink too much and miss the nightly verbenas with the most entertaining local bands.

Parades, activities for the little ones, cultural events, gastronomic displays… You won’t get bored.

What’s more, if one day you fancy a bit of peace and quiet, you can relax in some of its coves, go hiking or visit historic sites such as the military fortress of La Mola.

Menorca deserves a bigger space in our blog, so pay attention because we will publish more very soon.

3. Camino de Santiago

If what you like is hiking, you are in luck. Surely you know someone in Spain who has told you “I have to do the Camino de Santiago sometime.”

The truth is that I can’t explain what it is because for each person it has a different meaning. For me, it is a spiritual experience that you must live once in your life. For others, it is a personal challenge, either walking or cycling.

Let me try to explain it to you in the best possible way. The Camino is a set of Christian Pilgrimage routes that you can start from numerous locations, such as France or the south of Spain, and that have as their destination the Tomb of the Apostle St. James in the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela.

It can undoubtedly be the best adventure of your life as one of the cheapest destinations in Spain.

Live it and, above all, feel it!

4. Tomatina

Do you like tomatoes? I hope you do because they are the star of this fiesta in Buñol, Valencia.

The festival started as a spontaneous joke between a few young people who took tomatoes from a fruit stall and began to battle each other. When it was repeated the following year, on a voluntary basis, it became a tradition.

It’s all about throwing tomatoes at each other. As simple as that.

Nowadays, trucks loaded with thousands of kilos of tomatoes pass through the main street of the village, and kilos and kilos of tomatoes are thrown to the public. The attendees, either bring tomatoes from home or collect leftovers from the floor and throw them as well. I recommend that you wear old clothes and that you don’t mind getting splashed, as well as having a good time, as in all the fiestas in Spain.

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