Culture around Spanish language

14 Influential & Famous Spanish-Speaking Painters

Painting encourages communication, creativity and richness between cultures. This is why knowing the most influential and famous Spanish-speaking painters in history can give you a clue about the culture of each country and make you learn much faster. Focusing on a work of art and practising more specific words and terms will make you learn faster and more dynamically.

Learn today the best Spanish-speaking painter, from Spanish contemporary painters to Latin American painters. Today we take an artistic stroll to remember and appreciate the most outstanding artists. Read on to find out who they are and why they are so well known.

Famous Spanish Painters from Spain

There are a few Spanish Baroque painters that we would like to highlight because of what they meant to the period and what they still influence today.

1. Diego Velázquez (1599-1660): ambassador of Spanish art par excellence, he painted for King Philip IV of Spain. He is the author of the emblematic paintings Las Meninas and Las Hilanderas, among others.

2. Francisco de Goya (1746-1828): his work extended beyond the Baroque period during Romanticism, and he is another essential artist in Spanish art. You will know him for his masterpiece La maja desnuda.

However, we would like to name some current and modern Spanish painters, we are sure you know some of them:

3. Joaquín Sorolla (1863-1923): a realist painter from an artistic family. He depicted light and the sea like no other, as shown in Los pescadores valencianos.

4. Pablo Picasso (1881-1973): the artist from Malaga needs no introduction as he is known worldwide. He brought about an artistic revolution in the 20th century, with works such as Autorretrato and Las señoritas de Aviñón.

5. Salvador Dalí (1904-1989): for many, Dalí is the master of surrealism, for others he was simply a madman. Whatever the case, Dalí is world famous for the originality of his works, such as La persistencia de la memoria and Tristán e Isolda.

6. Ferran García Sevilla (1949- ): as a versatile and complete artist, in addition to being a painter he is also a sculptor, video artist and much more. He is a benchmark of contemporary abstract art in Spain.

7. Bartolomé Esteban Murillo (1617-1682): his naturalistic style and delicacy can be seen in most of his religious paintings. We can appreciate his influence on later artists.

Outstanding Latin American Painters

The Latin American art scene is quite diverse and many of its artists are world-renowned. Pre-Columbian art was already an outstanding expression, but it began to show its full potential after the arrival of the Spaniards.

8. Frida Kahlo (Mexico, 1907-1954): Frida speaks for herself! The surrealist artist continues to influence us day after day. Her worldwide recognition doesn’t need an introduction, as all her self-portraits show.

9. Fernando Botero (Colombia, 1932- ): the Colombian artist uses bright colours in his paintings, which has attracted the attention of art lovers and followers. He is also a sculptor and draughtsman, a very complete artist!

10. Oswaldo Guayasamín (Ecuador, 1919-1999): a painter noted for his depiction of human suffering and tragedy. His expressionist dark art has earned him a place among the world’s leading 20th century artists due to the quality of his masterpieces.

11. Wifredo Lam (Cuba, 1902-1982): if you are looking for a fusion of Caribbean art with surrealism and cubism, this artist will surprise you.

12. Guillermo Kuitca (Argentina, 1961- ): this famous Argentinean painter and engraver specialises in abstract and expressive art. He likes to represent issues of current importance such as space, memory and identity.

13. Carlos Mérida (Guatemala, 1891-1984): his Guatemalan painter and muralist was appreciated for the modern expression of his works. He is considered one of the best Latin American painters.

14. Fernando de Szyszlo (Peru, 1925-2017): born in Lima, this artist is still an influential painter and benchmark for abstract art in Latin America today.

iScribo & Culture

Learning a language is not only about mastering the grammar, it also means learning the culture of the countries where it is spoken. Whether it is musical, literary or artistic expression, iScribo introduces you to the most important cultural figures in the Spanish-speaking world.

To practice and improve your written Spanish you can use our tool, as it improves your writing in real time.

Today we have introduced you to the most influential and famous Spanish-speaking painters, do you particularly like someone we haven’t mentioned? Tell us in the comments.

Spanish as a language

10 Autumn Quotes for this Change of Season

Have you already prepared for the falling leaves season? For many people autumn is the most romantic season. Beyond Pablo Neruda‘s autumn phrases and words, there are autumn expressions and sayings to help you communicate like a true Spanish speaker and find inspiration for the time being.

Read this iScribo article to learn autumn phrases and quotes. If you want to learn phrases from other seasons, visit our blog.

Autumn Quotes By Famous Authors

Here are our favourite autumn quotes from Spanish-speaking authors:

1. El otoño es un segundo respiro de la naturaleza (Autumn is a second breath of nature) by Lope de Vega.

2. El otoño es esa época del año en la que las hojas se visten de poesía y la naturaleza nos muestra su arte más hermoso, (Autumn is that time of year when the leaves are dressed in poetry and nature shows us its most beautiful art) by Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer.

3. Bienvenido otoño, estación de encuentros con uno mismo, de reflexión y de nuevos comienzos (Welcome autumn, the season of meeting oneself, of reflection and new beginnings) by Isabel Allende.

4. El otoño es la estación donde la naturaleza nos muestra que soltar es necesario para renacer (Autumn is the season where nature shows us that letting go is necessary to be reborn) by José Saramago.

5. El otoño es un tiempo de transformación, donde las hojas nos enseñan que es hermoso cambiar (Autumn is a time of transformation, where the leaves teach us that it is beautiful to change) by Gabriela Mistral.

Welcome Autumn Quotes and Sayings

6. Otoño lluvioso, invierno frondoso (Rainy autumn, lush winter): this saying implies the importance of weather conditions for harvest and nature. If it rains in autumn, winter will be prosperous with lush vegetation and abundant natural resources.

7. En otoño, la cosecha llena el granero (In autumn, the harvest fills the granary): in autumn, many crops are harvested to supply us during the winter. This expression of abundance can be extrapolated to our lives, in the sense that we should harvest our fruits and be prepared for what the future may bring.

8. Otoño adelantado, invierno anticipado (Early autumn, early winter): means that if autumn comes early, it is very likely that winter will come early too.

9. En otoño, cada hoja es una flor (In autumn, every leaf is a flower): autumn may be the season with the most colour changes, followed by spring, when the colour of flowers is compared and admired.

10. En otoño, el rocío matutino es la lágrima del verano (In autumn, the morning dew is the tear of summer): some sayings seem to be taken from poetry, like this one. It means that the morning dew with which we wake up in the morning represents the end of summer as a season.

iScribo & Popular Spanish Sayings

We love Spanish culture, that’s why we ask you, do you know any famous autumn quotes or popular sayings from other Spanish-speaking countries? iScribo is a tool powered by artificial intelligence with which you can write in Spanish without fear of making mistakes. Try writing your autumn phrases with our corrector here.

Improving language

The 40 Most Commonly Used Adjectives In Spanish

Adjectives are words that express the quality of a noun. Spanish adjectives are essential in Spanish grammar to describe objects, people, feelings and sensations.

Bear in mind that the most common adjectives in Spanish are, as a rule, variable words. By this we mean that they agree in gender and number with the noun they describe. They are often accompanied by other words of a different grammatical category, such as adverbs.

Do you need to expand your vocabulary to express yourself better and more fluently? iScribo shows you today which are the most commonly used Spanish adjectives, both informal and formal, with examples so that you can go beyond the borders of the language.

List Of Common Spanish Informal Adjectives

These types of adjectives are the ones we use the most on a daily basis and they are also the easiest to learn when you are a beginner. The description of simple, everyday objects is always accompanied by these adjectives:

1. Bueno/a (good): Este plato está muy bueno (This dish is very good.)

2. Pequeño/a (small, little): La niña pequeña se cayó en el parque (The little girl fell in the park.)

3. Grande (big):El barco grande ha naufragado esta mañana (The big ship has sank this morning.)

4. Bonito/a (beautiful, pretty): Encontrarás la casa bonita al final del parque (You will find the pretty house at the end of the park.)

5. Feo/a (ugly): No debes decirle a la gente si es fea o guapa (You shouldn’t tell people whether they are ugly or pretty.)

6. Nuevo/a (new): La televisión nueva nos está dando problemas (The new TV is giving us problems.)

7. Malo/a (bad):Este ventilador nos ha salido malo (This fan has turned out badly.)

8. Aburrido/a (boring): El libro que me he comprado no es para nada aburrido (The book I bought is not at all boring.)

9. Feliz (happy): Se está criando en un entorno feliz (They are growing up in a happy environment.)

10. Triste (sad): Se ve a leguas que ese chico está triste (You can tell that this boy is sad.)

11. Importante (important): Encontrar tu propósito en la vida es muy importante (Finding your purpose in life is very important.)

12. Lento/a (slow): La trama de esta obra de teatro es lenta, no avanza (The plot of this play is slow, it doesn’t move forward.)

13. Alto/a (tal): El niño alto es la estrella del equipo de baloncesto (The tall boy is the star of the basketball team.)

14. Bajo/a (short): No importa que seas baja, te harás un hueco en el equipo de balonmano (It doesn’t matter that you’re short, you’ll make the handball team.)

15. Cansado/a (tired): No admito que estés cansado como excusa. (I won’t admit that you’re tired as an excuse.)

16. Simpático/a (nice):Una persona simpática tiene cabida en cualquier lugar (A nice person has a place anywhere.)

17. Antipático/a (unpleasant, nasty): Ha resultado ser una persona antipática (They have turned out to be an unpleasant person.)

18. Viejo/a (old): El atril viejo no servirá para el discurso (The old lectern won’t do for the speech.)

19. Difícil (difficult): Nos han puesto un examen difícil (They gave us a difficult test.)

20. Frío/a (cold):Esta casa es fría, necesita calefacción (This house is cold; it needs heating.)

Most Common Formal Adjectives

There are situations in which we need to express ourselves in more formal contexts, or we simply like to use more sophisticated words. Here is a list of the most commonly used formal adjectives.

21. Eficaz (effective):El quitamanchas es eficaz en todos los tejidos (The stain remover is effective on all fabrics.)

22. Notable (remarkable):El calor latente es más que notable (The latent heat is more than remarkable.)

23. Destacado/a (outstanding):El estudiante fue el más destacado en su categoría (The student was the most outstanding in their category.)

24. Significativo/a (significant): No hay cambios significativos en el temario (There are no significant changes in the syllabus.)

25. Ilustre (illustrious): Fue ilustre su presencia en la conferencia (the student’s presence at the conference was illustrious.)

26. Épico/a (epic):Una noche épica sin lugar a duda (An epic night indeed.)

27. Reflexivo/a (reflective):Una persona reflexiva tiene más probabilidad de éxito (A reflective person is more likely to succeed.)

28. Cordial (cordial):Fue el más cordial oponente al que me enfrenté (He was the most cordial opponent I have ever faced.)

29. Consistente (consistent): La textura consistente de la salsa fue la clave del plato (The consistent texture of the sauce was the key to the dish.)

30. Sagaz (sagacious):Su actitud sagaz le dio la victoria (His sagacious attitude gave him victory.)

31. Pulcro/a (neat):No me importaría tener un animal pulcro (I wouldn’t mind having a neat pet.)

32. Grato/a (pleasant):Su presencia grata me alegró la jornada (Their pleasant presence made my day.)

33. Intachable (impeccable):Los visitantes manifestaron un comportamiento intachable (The visitors showed impeccable behaviour.)

34. Imparcial (impartial):En estas competiciones, se nota que los árbitros son imparciales (In these competitions, you can tell that the referees are impartial.)

35. Respetable (respectable):Tus ideas políticas son respetables, mas no las comparto (Your political ideas are respectable, but I don’t share them.)

36. Preciso/a (accurate):En tu trabajo has de ser precisa (In your work, you must be accurate.)

37. Reservado/a (reserved):Se trata de una persona de carácter reservado (This is a person with a reserved character.)

38. Disciplinado/a(disciplined):Los jóvenes del instituto son disciplinados (The young people at school are disciplined.)

39. Convincente (convincing):No me parece un argumento convincente (I don’t find this argument convincing.)

40. Versátil (versatile): Las bolsas reciclables tienen propiedades versátiles (Recyclable bags have versatile properties.)

iScribo & Grammar

Adjectives deserve special consideration because of their importance in language. Here we have basically dealt with some aspects regarding their understanding. In terms of usage, adjectives have different functions depending on their context. For example, to emphasise the action or highlight the value of the noun they modify, you can put the adjective before the noun. iScribo corrects the use of written Spanish in real time. If you have doubts about how to write a sentence, use our spelling and grammar checker. Find out how to use this powerful tool and how to get the most out of it here.

Spanish as a language

12 Spanish Summer Phrases And Expressions

The richness of the Spanish language gives us the gift of Spanish summer expressions to use when travelling or other types of expressions in Spain, which may at first glance seem to be about travelling, that we use in our day-to-day lives.

Spanish phrases for travelling and summer moments are related to the number of memories we create along the way. These positive experiences will always lead to happy travel quotes.

iScribo reminds you today some popular Spanish phrases for tourists and Spanish speakers, so that you can enjoy your summer trips with your family, friends or alone. Anything goes when it comes to having a good time in summer.

Spanish Travel Language & Expressions

1. Dar la vuelta al mundo (go around the world): to visit many places in a single trip or in a short period of time, even if it is in several trips.

Este verano he visitado cuatro países diferente, al final voy a dar la vuelta al mundo.

(This summer I have visited four different countries, so in the end I am going to go around the world.)

2. Andar con la mochila a cuestas (backpacking, literally): it means travelling a lot. The adventurous spirit of people also generates beautiful expressions!

Andas con la mochila a cuestas, ¿cuándo vas a dejar de viajar?

(You’re travelling all the time, when are you going to stop?)

3. Perderse por la ciudad (getting lost in the city): visiting a place with intensity, even sometimes without a specific plan, and enjoying it by discovering new places.

Nos perdimos por la ciudad y encontramos la cafetería más romántica que hemos visto nunca.

(We got lost in the city and found the most romantic coffee shop we’ve ever seen.)

4. Hacer la maleta (packing): with this one, we make it easy for you. You can also use the verb preparar. This expression means to pack your luggage for your trip.

Voy a hacer la maleta para las vacaciones.

(I’m going to pack for my holiday.)

Travel Expressions for Everyday Life

5. Poner tierra de por medio (to get out of the way) this is interpreted in its literal sense. It means to go far away to escape from a problem or a situation that causes us discomfort.

Para olvidar a Juan puso tierra de por medio.

(To forget Juan, he got out of the way.)

6. Salir volando (to rush off): also salir pitando, it means to leave quickly from a place, usually because there is a hurry or there is an urgent need to leave it.

Salgo volando a recoger a los niños del colegio.

(I’m flying off to pick up the kids from school.)

7. Estar en las nubes (be daydreaming): to be distracted, it can be to let your mind go blank or to withdraw from a conversation and think about something completely different.

Perdona, ¿qué decías? Estaba en las nubes.

(Sorry, you were saying? I was daydreaming.)

8. Dejar volar la imaginación (let your imagination run wild): unleash your creativity. Daydreaming, imagining situations and stories, anything goes!

Dejé volar mi imaginación y se me ocurrió la solución al problema.

(I let my imagination run wild and came up with a solution to the problem.)

Travel Expressions for Both Travel and Everyday Life

9. Estar de paso (to be passing through): to visit a place for a short period of time.

He venido a hacerte una visita rápida, estoy de paso.

(I’ve come to pay you a quick visit, I’m just passing through.)

Estoy de paso por la ciudad, mañana me voy en tren.

(I’m passing through the city, tomorrow I’m leaving by train.)

10. Echar raíces (to put down roots): to settle in a place for a long period of time, with the intention of staying forever. It can also mean to enter a lasting relationship with someone.

Echó raíces en Viena, el lugar en donde siempre quiso estar.

(They put down roots in Vienna, the place where they always wanted to be.)

Manuel y Ángel han echado raíces, era cuestión de tiempo.

(Manuel and Angel have put down roots, it was only a matter of time.)

11. Tener el mundo a tus pies (having the world at your feet): it can mean travelling with great intensity and, above all, having a range of possibilities and opportunities.

Elisa viaja mucho, tiene el mundo a sus pies.

(Elisa travels a lot, she has the world at her feet.)

No te agobies con la búsqueda de trabajo, tienes el mundo a tus pies.

(Don’t be overwhelmed by the job search, you have the world at your feet.)

12. Callejear (to wander): although it is just a word, it is used both for travelling (to express that a person goes aimlessly) and for everyday life (to express that you go from one place to another through different streets and you don’t take the straight and direct way).

Callejeé por Marruecos y encontré un buen Bazar.

(I wandered around Morocco and found a good Bazaar.)

Hoy he callejeado para ir al trabajo para no hacer siempre el mismo camino.

(Today I wandered to go to work so as not to always take the same route.

iScribo & Expressions

Spanish is a language that comes in handy when speaking and writing. Spanish phrases and expressions are as rich as the language is varied. You just must travel, immerse yourself in culture, speak and write a lot. Mastering the language is in your hands.

With iScribo’s spelling and grammar checker you have the world of Spanish at your feet. Have you tried it yet? By the way, can you tell us about any expression you know related to travelling? Tell us in the comments.

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