Spanish as a language

4 Tips for Avoiding Laismo, Leismo and Loismo

It seems like an easy lesson but if you come from Spain or learn Spanish grammar in Spain, you will see that in some regions they make grammar errors when using the pronouns la, le, and lo. We call them laismo, leismo, and loismo. Today we will show you some tricks to avoid them.

1. Identify the Direct Object

The golden rule:

La and lolas and los in their plural, are the pronouns used for the direct object in the feminine and masculine respectively.

In many regions of Spain, the now correct use of le in the masculine singular is widespread. Never use the plural form of les, otherwise, we would be committing leismo!

Incorrect: ¿Recogiste a los niños del colegio? No, les recogeré cuando acabe de trabajar.

(Did you pick up the children from school? No, I’ll pick them up when I finish work.)

Correct: ¿Has visto a Martina? Sí, la vi ayer.

(Have you seen Martina? Yes, I saw her yesterday.)

2. Identify the Indirect Object

The indirect object is always represented by le, both in the masculine and feminine forms. Also, the plural les in its case.

Using la and lo in these cases is considered laismo and loismo. Here is an incorrect example that I enjoy mentioning:

Incorrect: ¡Cuando llegue Rosa voy a pegarla!

(When Rosa arrives, I’m going to punch her!)

To where? To the wall like a painting? In this case, it would be:

Correct: : ¡Cuando llegue Rosa voy a pegarle!

3. Use of Leismo with Animals and Things

It is not appropriate to use le when referring to animals or things.

Incorrect: Se le perdió el dinero y no le encontró.

(He lost his money and couldn’t find it.)

Correct: Se le perdió el dinero y no lo encontró.

4. Beware of Asking “To Whom?”

Elementary grammars teach that to detect the indirect object it is enough to ask “to whom”. This question will help us to determine whether it is a person or a thing, but nothing more.

Sentence: María paseaba a los niños.

(María walked the children.)

¿A quién(es) paseaba? = A los niños.

(Whom did she walk? = The children.)

Incorrect: María les paseaba.

Correct: María los paseaba.

Why Only in Some Regions?

Laismo, leismo and loismo were born during the Middle Ages in Castile and coincide with the development of the language in a different evolution to that of Latin.

Over the centuries, the regions that once lived in the glory days of the Catholic Monarchs adopted this etymological error.

It is very curious that in Andalusia, at that time under Muslim domination, these grammar errors were never adopted. Neither was it in the Canary Islands and in the countries on the other side of the Atlantic.

Curious, isn’t it?

iScribo helps you to avoid making grammar errors when you write. Try our tool and learn while correcting your documents.

Spanish as a language

The Gender Of Nouns In Spanish – Common, Epicene & Ambiguous

Spanish grammar tells us that the gender of nouns is either masculine (el coche) or feminine (la moto).

Sometimes we take the root of the word to form the gender, for example, amig– and then add the suffix -o/a: amigo and amiga. Another example of root + desinence is conde and condesa.

Sometimes we resort to heteronomy, which is designating the gender of nouns with different words that do not share the root, as in hombre and mujer.

Then, there are other Spanish nouns that do not have a specific gender, but the same word is used to speak in both feminine and masculine. These are the common gender nouns, but we also have the gender-ambiguous nouns and the epicene nouns. Don’t worry! iScribo tells you a bit about them.

1. Common Gender Nouns

They have only one form to designate the masculine and feminine. What tells us that gender is the determiner or adjective that accompanies them:

El turista alemán es el mejor valorado en la hostelería. (The German tourist is the most highly rated in the hospitality industry.)

La turista compró muchos recuerdos para sus familiares. (The tourist bought a lot of souvenirs for her relatives.)

El juicio se va a retrasar porque falta la testigo. (The trial is going to be delayed because the -female- witness is missing.)

Este testigo no recuerda lo que pasó. (This -male- witness does not remember what happened.)

2. Epicene Nouns

They have a masculine or feminine grammatical gender, but they designate both sexes. It is not as confusing as it seems, here are some examples to make it clearer:

  • Masculine epicenes:

Personaje (character): El personaje principal, Eva, aparece desde el primer capítulo. (The main character, Eva, appears from the first chapter.)

Vástago: Los vástagos comienzan a aparecer en primavera. (The rods begin to appear in spring.)

  • Feminine epicenes:

Víctima: La victima era un hombre de cincuenta años. (The victim was a man in his fifties.)

Avispa: La avispa que me picó era macho. (The wasp that stung me was male.)

If we are talking about animals, we can always add macho (male) and hembra (female) to clarify the speech.

3. Gender-Ambiguous Nouns

These are nouns that can be used with masculine and feminine determiners and adjectives without altering the meaning. The choice of masculine or feminine will depend on the register, the area in which they are spoken, or simply a personal preference. These are nouns that designate inanimate beings.

El mar o la mar (the sea)

            El mar estaba picado cuando fuimos a la playa.

            La mar estaba picada cuando fuimos a la playa.

            (The sea was rough when we went to the beach.)

El calor o la calor (the heat)

            Este fin de semana hará mucha calor.

            Este fin de semana hará mucho calor.

(This weekend it will be very hot.)

The context it’s Key

Most of the time, the context of the speech will help you choose each option, but it’s good to know that Spanish grammar distinguishes different genders of nouns in addition to masculine and feminine. iScribo helps you practice them. Visit the website and try our tool, you will see how it corrects and helps you with common gender nouns, epicenes, and ambiguous nouns, among other functions.

Spanish as a language

Por And Para: 4 Keys To Learn Prepositions In Spanish

Prepositions in Spanish are difficult to use. Indeed, in Spanish and in any language! You can consider yourself a native speaker if you master prepositions to perfection. Por and para are no exception.

Prepositions are invariable words that indicate a dependent relationship between an action and a complement. There are twenty-three in total, but in this post, we will teach you not only one difference between por and para but four easy tricks in total to master them like a native.

1. Motive or Purpose?

Use por to express a motive or reason and para for a purpose or intention. Here are some examples to make it clearer:

  • Te felicito por tu cumpleaños. (I congratulate you on your birthday.)

The motive of the greeting is the birthday.

  • Estudio español para aprender una segunda lengua. (I study Spanish to learn a second language.)

The purpose of studying Spanish is to learn a second language.

2. Undetermined Location or Address?

Use por to express an undetermined location and para for a specific destination address. Look at it with these examples:

  • El parque tiene que estar por allí. (The park has to be that way.)

I don’t quite know which way the park is….

  • Voy para tu casa en un momentito. (I’m going to your house in a moment.)

Your house is the exact address I’m going to.

3. Medium or Deadline?

Use por to express how you are going to perform the action and para to say when.

  • Voy a echar la solicitud por Internet. (I am going to apply online.)

Internet is one option among many.

  • Las patatas que he comprado son para el viernes. (These crisps I bought are to be served on Friday.)

Friday is the exact time they must serve the crisps.

4. Agent Complement or Opinion?

Maybe this is the easiest one, that’s why we have left it for the end and finish with a good vibe. When the sentence is in passive voice, always use por, however, use para to give your opinion.

  • La obra fue escrita por Cervantes. (The novel was written by Cervantes.)

Cervantes wrote the novel.

  • Para mí que Marcos no va a venir. (I don’t think Marcos is coming.)

I think that Marcos won’t come.

Read, Listen and Practise

It’s also about learning as you go. Prepositions in Spanish can be learned by watching movies, reading, or talking to native speakers. You can also copy what you hear and repeat it until the message sinks in.

As you get more proficient in Spanish grammar, you will realise that many Spanish prepositions have synonyms and that actions can be expressed in many ways. If you look closely, this is what we have done in the examples.

If you want to practise and see how you are doing with por and para, or other prepositions, go to iScribo and write some sentences. Practice makes perfect!

Spanish as a language

Spanish in Spain: 7 Things you Need to Know

At first glance, it is not a large country, however, history has favoured different languages in Spain that have enriched the common language: Spanish.

Here you will learn a little bit about the origin of Spanish and a few other curiosities about Iberian Spanish.

At iScribo, we celebrate diversity, which is why today we bring you this interesting article so that you can learn a little more about the roots of Spanish.

1. Official languages in Spain

The Spanish Constitution states that Spanish is the official language of the country. Spain is divided into seventeen autonomous communities, in some of which Spanish coexists with other official languages:

  • Basque: spoken in the Basque Country and Navarre.
  • Catalan: spoken in Catalonia and the Balearic Islands.
  • Aran: also spoken in Catalonia.
  • Galician: spoken in Galicia.
  • Valencian: spoken in the Valencian Community.

2. Speeches in Spain

Many people mistakenly call the different speeches of Spain “dialects”. A dialect is a variety of a language that does not attain the social status of a language.

So that we understand each other, the speeches can be considered as the accents that exist in Spain. Here are some examples:

  • Andalusian: it is spoken in Andalusia and in the autonomous cities of Ceuta and Melilla. In Gibraltar, you could say that it is also spoken, but we will tell you about that another day. A characteristic of Andalusian is that the final S is not pronounced, therefore, mis amigos would be /mih amigo/.
  • Canary: it is spoken in the Canary Islands and can have many similarities with the Latin American accent. Not only the accent but also the vocabulary is different: guagua instead of autobús.
  • Madrilian: spoken in and around the Madrid region. One aspect to note is that the final D is pronounced like Z: /madriz/.

3. Where does the Spanish name come from?

We have already mentioned that many cultures have lived in Spain until we got to where we are today. As for its etymology, the Spanish RAE says that Spanish comes from the Provençal espaignol, and in turn, this term comes from the Medieval Latin Hispaniolus meaning Hispania, which was what the Romans called Spain.

4. What amount of names the country has had!

Depending on the period we were in, Spain was called by one name or another.

  • In Greek times it was known as the Ophioússa Peninsula, which meant “land of snakes” because of the number of reptiles there. It was also called Iberia.
  • Hispania, as we have already seen, was the term of the Romans and was due to the number of metals in the country and the gold mines. The Visigoths kept the name when they arrived.
  • When the Muslims arrived in the Middle Ages, they called the Iberian Peninsula Al-Andalus. What it means is still unclear today, as there are several hypotheses.

5. Arabic influence on Iberian Spanish

Since we have started with the Muslim legacy, it would be impossible to talk about Spanish and Spaniards without taking into account their heritage and legacy, not only in language but also in architecture, customs, and the very physique of the people.

There are many Arabisms in today’s Spanish, for example, words with the prefix AL- and many that begin with A-: aceite (oil), albahaca (basil), Almería (Almeria) or azafrán (saffron).

6. Latin and Spanish in Spain

Latin influenced Spanish and evidently, it could not be otherwise. Spanish descends from the so-called Vulgar Latin, a dialect of Classical Latin. Moreover, as we already know, the Romans spent a long period of time in Spain. Sixty percent of Spanish vocabulary comes from Latin, and even today we still have quite a few expressions that prove it: in extremis, curriculum vitae, memorándum, honoris causa, etc.

7. Other influences

Spanish has encountered many cultures throughout history, and this has enriched the language. Greek has also left its mark, as in the word antígeno (antigen), which is very fashionable these days. Quechua also brought us richness when the Spanish returned from Latin America, as with the word carpa (tent).

English, French, and Italian are other languages that have made Spanish in Spain a diverse language.

Spanish in the world

Yes, Spanish was born in Spain, but more and more people in the world speak it, not only because of its origin but also because of the number of countries where the language is spoken. And as you have learned today, there are more languages in Spain.

We cannot leave without pointing out that Spain is not the country where most Spanish is spoken, the honour goes to Mexico, besides. Besides, there are so many accents and each one is more beautiful, which one do you like?

If you are learning Spanish and need to practice, remember that iScribo corrects your texts as you write. Visit us today and try our grammar corrector.

Spanish as a language

Castilian vs Spanish: Are They The Same Language?

Despite the fact that we are in the 21st century and that Spanish has existed for centuries, even today there is still a debate that revolves around the naming of the language.

Is Castilian a language, are the terms Spanish and Castilian synonymous, do we say Castilian Spanish?

There are many doubts that come to our minds when it comes to labeling this language. Today, at iScribo, we tell you some curiosities about this debate and clarify your doubts.

Spanish in Spain and around the world

We have already talked on other occasions about the countries in which Spanish is spoken and the infinite varieties that exist not only between countries but also within regions. After all, more than 580 million people speak it even if it is not their mother tongue.

As for what to call the language, the Spanish RAE is clear — Spanish and Castilian are the same language, it depends on the speaker to designate the way they call it. Therefore, we can tell you that yes, Castilian is a language, but it is the same as Spanish.

Why such controversy?

The truth is that it is more of a political or simply geographical matter. The Spanish Constitution itself, quite old we must say, calls the language Castilian, something that the Nobel Prize winner himself, the writer Camilo José Cela, criticises every time he has the chance.

The RAE tells us that calling the language Spanish avoids ambiguity since Castilian was the term used in the Kingdom of Castile back in the Middle Ages. Today, it would be preferable to use Castilian to refer to the speech of the Spanish regions of Castile.

In Latin America, generally, they prefer to call what is spoken in the New Continent Spanish and what is spoken in the Old Continent Castilian. For example, in Argentina, the Argentine Academy of Letters recommends the use of Spanish as the name of the language, even though among the population it is often referred to as Castilian. Countries such as Paraguay, Bolivia, and Venezuela are in a very similar situation.

Other people in Spain will say that they prefer to designate the language as Castilian as the common language in territories where there is more than one official language, i.e., Galician, Basque, or Catalan.

I’ll tell you more. When I was a kid and I studied at school we talked about Lengua Castellana y Literatura (Castilian Language and Literature). What’s more, I don’t remember studying Latin American literary works until I was a teenager, when the subject was called Lengua Española (Spanish Language).

I also remember that it was very common to talk about Castilian Spanish what we talked in Spain. Fortunately, the RAE decided to put an end to this controversy.

Not all discussions are boring

We are used to this debate being boring in political or even intellectual circles, but the controversy has gone beyond that on some occasions.

Let’s not go too far, in 2021, at the Oscars gala, several artists performed the song Into the Unknown from the mythical children’s movie Frozen 2. The organisers had the brilliant idea of bringing together all the singers who had voiced Elsa in this song and had each of them sing a verse. What a surprise when they identified Carmen Sarahí, from Mexico, as a singer in Spanish and Gisela, from Spain, as a singer in Castilian! Most likely, the person who organised the performance did not speak Spanish, otherwise, they would have known that the two women were singing in the same language.

Anyway, why bother? Many other languages call it Spanish: spagnolo, spanjisht, hiszpański, spanska, and so on. The list is endless.

Either way, whether you use Spanish and Castilian or just one of the two terms, everyone is going to know, ­or should know, which language you are referring to. Spanish is very diverse, so we should take the opportunity to expand the frontiers of the language and get to know the more variants the better.

iScribo helps you clarify your doubts, take a look at our product and learn how to use the language, whether you call it Spanish or Castilian!

Spanish as a language

10 Latin and Spanish Writers to Improve Your Style

Looking for Spanish writers to help improve your writing style?

Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.

Discover 10 of the best Latin and Spanish writers working today and get to know some of their best works to moonlight your way towards writing better Spanish and discover different writing styles.

1. Julia Álvarez

Many of Álvarez’s works, as a poet and writer, tackle the complexities of living as both a Dominican and an American. In the Time of Butterflies, one of her most famous works was made into a film starring Salma Hayek and Marc Anthony.

She received the National Medal of Arts in 2013 and the Pura Belpré Award for Writing.

2. Isabel Allende

Isabel Allende, a dominating voice in the magical realism genre, utilises her best-selling novels to establish herself as a notable feminist voice in Hispanic literature.

She is the recipient of the National Prize in Literature and the Presidential Medal of Freedom, both of which were bestowed to her by President Barack Obama.

3. Mario Vargas Llosa

The Nobel Prize laureate in Literature is noted for his ability to masterfully span genres with his work, having written prolific literary criticism, murder mysteries, historical novels, and political thrillers.

His tales are largely inspired by his Peruvian ancestry and political activity.

4. Gabriel García Márquez

Gabriel García Márquez, a Colombian novelist, journalist, and short-story writer was renowned as the perfecter of magical realism, a form of literature that incorporates elements of fantasy into actual circumstances.

He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1982 for his most famous work, the epic One Hundred Years of Solitude.

5. Laura Esquivel

Like Water for Chocolate, Esquivel’s globally best-selling magical realism romance book was made into a highly praised foreign language film.

She’s also authored short tales, films, and children’s plays, often including themes of magic.

6. Rosa Montero

Rosa Montero, a writer and a journalist, has created wonderful novels while simultaneously conducting intriguing interviews. Her book The Delta Function, 1981 is recognised as a key work of modern feminist theory, exploring the dualities of female existence.

Her work The Lunatic of the House, 2003 received both the Qué Leer Prize for the best book published in Spain and the Grinzane Cavour Prize for best foreign book in Italy.

Montero is presently a columnist for El País and has received the National Journalism Prize many times.

7. Enrique Vila-Matas

Enrique Vila-Matas was born in Barcelona and completed his military duty in Melilla when he penned his first book, Woman in the Mirror Contemplating the Landscape. He has worked in a variety of formats throughout his career, from cinema criticism and novels to essays and film screenplays.

His finest work is known for its sardonic and fragmentary style, which breaks down the line between fiction and reality.

Vila-Matas has received worldwide acclaim for his works and creative contributions, including the Italian Bottari Lattes Grinzane Prize, the French Prix Jean Carriere, and the Spanish Leteo Award, all for his novel Dublinesque (2010).

Vila-Matas’ writings have been translated into numerous languages and he is widely regarded as one of the most celebrated Spanish writers by both national and international reviewers.

8. Elvira Navarro

Navarro was featured in Granta’s Best of Young Spanish-Language Novelists anthology issue in 2010. She released The Happy City in 2009, a book about an immigrant Chinese worker and a homeless Spanish guy.

The Happy City went on to win Spain’s Jaén Prize for best book and the Tormenta Prize for the best new author before being translated into English in 2013.

9. Sonia Hernández

Sonia Hernández, another entrant into Granta’s Best of Young Spanish-Language Novelists, is a literary poet.

Hernández is also the editor-in-chief of the literary study journal Quaderns de Vallençana, which is devoted to the humanist Juan Ramón Masoliver.

10. Félix J. Palma

Felix J Palma is well-known in Spain for his magical realism works, and he is well-liked by both reviewers and the general people.

Palma, a master storyteller, has had several anthologies and short tales published, as well as a lot of literary honors.

His speculative fiction Map trilogy, which combines magical realism and history, has captivated readers all over the world.

Read with no borders

These are the top 10 best Latin and Spanish writers and their notable work reading which will improve your Spanish writing style.

As will iScribo, this AI-powered tool will take your Spanish writing skill to the next level.

What are you waiting for? Check the different writing styles on iScribo today, read these Spanish writers’ works, and improve your writing skills in no time to create good Spanish sentences.

Spanish as a language

Why It’s Easy for Ukrainians to Learn Spanish

The international political landscape has put Ukraine in the eye of the storm. We see in the news interviews with Ukrainian people who speak as if they were Spanish natives. At iScribo we want to contribute in some way to pay tribute to these people, and that is why today we are going to talk to you about the Ukrainian language and why the inhabitants of Ukraine decide to learn Spanish as a foreign language.

At iScribo we defend the power of communication as a tool to avoid conflicts. Languages are a fundamental part of communication and understanding. Also, in today’s post, you can find out a little more about Slavic languages.

Ukranian language

First of all, let’s talk a bit about Ukrainian. It belongs to the East Slavic languages family and is the only official language of the country. It is spoken by two-thirds of the population, although it should be noted that a large proportion of Ukrainians speak Russian, especially in the eastern part of the country, sometimes as the only language or bilingually alongside Ukrainian.

After the Soviet era, the Ukrainian government began a Ukrainianisation campaign to encourage the use of the language as it had been losing speakers for some time. This campaign required the use of Ukrainian dubbing or subtitles for all foreign broadcasts.

Meet the Slavic languages

Slavic languages belong to the Indo-European linguistic family and use the Cyrillic and Latin alphabets for writing. What diversity!

They are spoken in Central Europe, the Balkans, Eastern Europe, and Northern Asia. In addition, as if they didn’t already sound like extraordinary languages, there are several ways to classify Slavic languages, in this case, let’s mention them by their geographical classification:

– East Slavic – Russian, Belarusian, and Ukrainian.

– West Slavic – Polish, Slovak, Czech, Moravian, Sorbian, Kashubian, and Silesian languages; there are also two languages that have disappeared – Polabian and Slovincian.

– South Slavic – Slovene, Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian, Montenegrin, Macedonian, and Bulgarian, as well as Old Slavic, now extinct.

Let’s compare

More and more countries understand the importance of languages, which is why they include the learning of a second or third foreign language in their educational curricula and political programs.

In Ukraine, the most studied foreign languages are Russian, English, German, French, Spanish, Chinese, Italian, and Arabic.

Slavic languages are more complex grammatically

We are always told that Slavic languages are very difficult to learn. The truth is that nouns are inflected and change form in terms of gender (not only masculine and feminine but also in the neuter gender) and number (in addition to singular and plural there is also dual).

Too much information? Well, that’s not all – the verb marks person, number, aspect, tense, mood, and sometimes gender. As if that weren’t enough, declension is applied in up to seven cases to nouns, adjectives, pronouns, and sometimes numerals.

Oh, dear! Looking at it this way, it should not seem strange that a Spanish speaker has more difficulty learning Ukrainian than the other way around.

Ukrainian is somewhat more complex

Spanish is a Romance language that also descends from the Indo-European languages, but in this case from spoken Latin.

Moreover, as we have already seen on other occasions, Spanish is heavily influenced by Arabic for historical reasons, for example, the words ojalá (hopefully), alacena (cupboard), or alfombra (carpet). The Spanish language has had little contact with the Slavic languages throughout its history, so there is little influence between the two, for example, the word zar (czar) comes from Russian, but we do not have as many as we have with Greek, English or French.

For a person who speaks Ukrainian, learning Spanish is not a big challenge. The Spanish grammar is much less complicated, and the phonemes are simpler. We could test whether for a Slavic speaker, understanding Cuban Spanish is a challenge or not in terms of lexical diversity and intonation when speaking, it would be fun, wouldn’t it?

As you can see, all languages have a degree of difficulty when they are not your mother tongue, but if we stop to analyse the history and linguistics of each of them, we will realise that the difficulties we face when learning our own language help us and facilitate the path to learning a new one. At iScribo we love languages, this same passion leads us to invite you to improve and learn Spanish without complications. Visit us and discover how our tool works.

Spanish as a language

Spain vs Latin America: How one language can change so much

Thought Spanish was just one language? The world’s second most widely spoken language actually has so many differences around the world. Let’s take a look.

¿De dónde sos?

¿Dónde estás?

¿Vosotros vais a la fiesta?

¿Yendo a la fiesta?

¡Qué chulo!

¡Qué padre!

¡Qué chévere!

¡Che boludo!

¡Órale, Güey!

The above are just a few examples of the different types of Spanish idioms and sayings you’ll encounter in various countries throughout the world.

Many times these differences can be subtle and will generally mean the same thing from one nation to another. Other times the differences are unique to that specific culture. Often, depending on your native language, the direct translations are downright comical.

Perhaps somebody doesn’t know a ‘potato’ about anything, or they’re happy as a worm. And if someone is straight-talking, then in Spanish they don’t have hair on their tongue.

Funny phrases aside, most of the differences you’ll find between the Spanish spoken in Spain and that of Latin America are structural in nature, with a few key differences in vocabulary. And of course, Latin America is a large place, so there are other differences from country to country.

Different cultures, one language

The answer to the question, “How many dialects of Spanish are there?” is easy: there are quite a few.

Many of the different types of Spanish involve vocabulary. There are simply different Spanish words in different countries. Take Mexico, for example. One reason you’ll encounter such a wide gulf in vocabulary has to do with that nation’s indigenous heritage.

This is particularly clear in the southern Mexican states, where the names of many places – Oaxaca, Tuxtla, Cancún, Tapachula, etc. – are based in part or entirely on native vocabulary. The state of Oaxaca is a perfect example. Its name comes from huāxyacac, a word in the Uto-Aztecan language of Nahuatl that refers to a tree common in the area.

Then there’s the Colombian capital of Bogotá. Far from being authentically Spanish in origin, the name originally derives from Bacatá. This is an indigenous word belonging to the Muisca people, who existed in the area long before the Spaniards arrived.

Travel elsewhere in South America and the indigenous influence is equally strong, if not more so. There’s Cochabamba in Bolivia, Iquique in Chile, and of course Machu Picchu in Peru.

This all contrasts sharply with Spain, where the Spanish language is actually heavily influenced by Arabic from the hundreds of years of Moorish presence on the Iberian Peninsula. Many place names have Arabic heritage, such as Andalusia, from the Moorish name for the country Al-Andalus, or even the Guadalquivir River in Seville. Other Spanish words also have Arabic roots, even words such as aceite, meaning oil, and ojalá, which means I hope and has a distinct similarity on the Arabic inshallah, meaning if Allah wills it.

Other language differences between Spain and Latin America involve different words that refer to the same object. Likewise, different verbs can refer to the same action. While you can conducir un coche (drive a car) in Spain, in Mexico you would manejar a carro. And while you might be typing away on un ordenador in Spain, in Mexico you’d be using una computadora.

It’s all about the accent

A big hurdle for many people learning a new language is pronunciation. The challenge of rebooting your brain and learning new letter combinations and how they form sounds you aren’t accustomed to is a tall order. This is particularly true with Spanish.

Each country that speaks the language pronounces it in different ways. Some of these accent differences are small while others are more distinct. Spain certainly qualifies as being distinct. Even if you’ve yet to visit this country, you might be aware of their unique accent.

The most famous example of the Spanish accent is the lisp. It’s true that in Spain people often use the “th” sound, for example, the pronunciation in words with a c followed by an i or e. In this example, the word Barcelona sounds like Bar-th-elona.

However, not all differences in Spanish pronunciation involve letter combinations. This is a country with a centuries-long history of Arabic influences, particularly in the south, which manifests itself in the way people speak. Travel to the southern region of Andalusia, say, and you’re likely to hear locals speak in more guttural tones. They also tend to drop the s and d in many words. For example they typically say “gracia” instead of “gracias” and “ciudá” instead of “ciudad” (city), with the accent on the a.

This is different from almost every country in Latin America. Be it Mexico, Peru, Venezuela or Chile, they typically speak a softer form of Spanish.

The trick to wrapping your mind around proper pronunciation in Spain is to settle in one region and immerse yourself in the language. Eventually, your ear will pick up the distinction and your mouth will do the rest.

Which Spanish is right for me?

The region where you’re based (or will be based) should be the key factor in determining which type of Spanish to learn. If you’re going to spend most of your time in the Americas, then learning the Spanish that is spoken in Venezuela and Colombia is often slower and clearly enunciated, making it great for beginners.

When travelling to other parts of Latin America you will encounter other dialects. The Argentines speak their castellano with an Italian lilt; ditto their “little brothers” in Uruguay. Chileans speak in rapid-fire bursts and pepper their sentences with so much slang it can be hard to keep up.

Back in Spain, the accent can feel more closed and they certainly speak much faster than in, say, Mexico. But once you understand it you can travel everywhere and follow the Spanish. After all, it is the root of the language.

Having said that, you’ll run into varied colloquialisms, slang, and cultural idioms in every Spanish-speaking country you visit. Therefore it’s always best to master the fundamentals of the language first, as these basics will serve you well no matter where you end up.

Because remember, in Latin America you might walk a few cuadras (blocks) to the restaurant, but in Spain that same distance is measured in manzanas (apples). Such is the topsy-turvy life of the Spanish-speaking world. It doesn’t matter the type of Spanish you speak, iScribo is here to meet your needs.

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